Friday, 18 October 2013

Textual Analysis - Number 2

Love is Easy - McFly is a performance based music video that reflects "Michael Shores" 1984 Theory of Audio Visual Poetry as it uses recycled styles seen through the Mise En Scene and Sound. For example the costumes which McFly wear - Black Trousers, White Shirt, Orange Tie, Checkered Waist coast and bowling shoes recreates the style from the early 1900's which gives the ideology that McFly are gentlemen because they are dressed in the clothes from an era where wearing suites stereotyped you as a gentleman. Moreover the sound clip from "It's A Wonderful Life" - "You want the moon, just say the word and I'll throw a lasooe around it" has high connotations of love and romance which is the representation McFly are trying to get across in the video. It also create intertexuality as it's addressing other media products outside of the diegesis of the music video.

The video is Performance based as 'McFly' sing in an empty auditorium which could suggest rehearsals and then towards the end there is a panning shot that shows the auditorium full with fans it then pans round back to McFly who are holding a mini stage of the stage they're performing on, the camera zooms in to show them closing the curtains which says 'For The Fans' which suggests that it's the end of the song and the video has been made to say thanks to the fans and that McFly appreciate there support and 'Loving the fans is easy.' This would be the audience of stereotypically young girls aged 13-18 feel like they're connected with McFly and that they're acknowledged by them.

In addition while performing the director has made links with the sound to the imagery for example when Tom sings 'Today I'm laughing the clouds away' while Dougie holds makeshift clouds on a pole above Tom's head when Tom says 'Away' he moves the clouds from above the head; this is used to create a visual video against the audio track.

Moreover the narrative of the video could also be a reflection of their Journey in the music industry up to now, and how much they love playing their music, this can be seen through the use of Mise-en-scene like when Danny is accepting an award at a podium which could suggest when they've won awards. Furthermore the use of the striped colour boards that they sing in front of us is recycled style from one of their first music videos 'Five Colours In Her Hair' when they on a stage with the striped colours as background. The use of this mise en scene connotes Michael Shores theory 1984 theory of recycled styles and how this could be a video reflecting the bands Journey.

The opening shot is a long a shot track, which follows Tom up the stairs onto the stage while he plays a Pink ukulele this effect invites the audience (McFly Fans mainly female aged between 13-25)  into the video allowing them to feel a part of it.

The video uses continuity editing which suggests that the relationship they are singing about flows and they don't have troubles within it; therefore the continuity editing reflects the song title "Love Is Easy."

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