Friday, 22 November 2013

Bridlington forecast Wednesday 27/11/13 (First Look)

This is my first look at what the forecast for next Wednesday will be in Bridlington, it's very likely that it'll change but it will help my plan ahead. I aim to go around dinnertime, leaving college straightaway with my artists. Provisionally there is 0% of rain forecasted for the hours we aim to be in Bridlington, the wind is 12mph so it won't be that windy however it may feel cold since we will be on the sea front so I shall prepare by taking warm clothes for the cast and towels for when they get out of water. It may be a good idea to also bring a flask of hot drink to make sure no-one gets to cold. It's also forecasted to be cloudy which is the ideal weather I want to create the pathetic fallacy of sadness/heartbreak. 

I've also checked the directions on google maps so we should approximately arrive around 2 if not earlier depending on how quickly we get out of college and traffic.

The sun is due to set at 3:46 which gives is approximately 1 hour and 46 minutes to get filming done. However we may have come back another Wednesday as these are the only time myself, the talent and our designated driver is free. Since we all work.

I'll treat everyone to cheesy chips (Since it's our all time favourite food.) at the end of the day as thanks for helping me out and standing in the cold.

On monday I shall check the forecast, and sunset again to see if the weather as changed as well as on Tuesday night and Wednesday Morning.

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